Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jeremy Casella :: Recovery

This album has rather quickly climbed near the top of my most-playeds in i-tunes in month or so since I first got my paws on it. Jeremy Casella is now topped only by Chris Thile & U2 (who've been in the library for years). :-)

My first exposure to Jeremy Casella's artful music was at an event where Indelible Grace came to play at Clemson Presbyterian. "Joyful Fire" spoke volumes to me and prompted me to hunt down more of his music. Several years later, he's released an album called Recovery and it is incredible. Incredible musically, incredible in honesty, incredible in diversity with a mix of genres and styles.

The entire album has resonated with me lately, in title and lyrics, as I've found the voice of, perhaps, a kindred spirit - one who knows that God calls us to a living, breathing relationship with Him and with others and that this honesty requires, at times, a wrestling with God, self and story.

In this album, Jeremy Casella has boldly spoken of God and His truth, and of the pilgrim journey we're on.

Once again, I'd suggest *everyone* go get it! :-D

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I <3 my sewing machine...

I've been really busy these past few days... busy sewing, not busy doing things I should (like yardwork - don't worry, we did some tonight!). So now it's time to share some of the sewing goodness. I've had a TON of fun with it, though I'm a real slowpoke. I've made my first, second and third forays into the world of re-fashioning, and I believe they've been successful! I also know now that I *can* follow a pattern correctly, which means that I can at least sew simple clothing now. :-) YAY!

So here goes...

Refashion #1: Twin-sized sheet into drawstring skirt


Skirt & Pup

Funnily-proportioned, funny-faced... just plain funny

Gumby-Liz (seeing if the skirt spins at all... maybe a little!)

Refashion #2: Old Camp Greenville t-shirt into a modest halter top

Tank in a tree

Teasing the furzy pup :-D

Refashion #3: A pair o' Jero's cargo shorts into a purse!

Purses climb trees too, you know!

Purse & pup

Outside pockets inside!

Not a refashion, but something I've been having fun with lately:

Fiddlin' around...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I just officially sewed my first wearable item (a skirt), and I made it out of a sheet! Yay!! I'll add pictures sometime down the road. I'm a bit too excited to leave the post til later though. :-D

A year in the life of...

The Rands!

Sunday marked one year of being married for us, so I thought that perhaps I'd dig around a bit in the photo archives & see what sort of one-year goodness, badness and okayness I could find. I'm guessing we don't have any photos from the rough parts... honestly, neither of us did a particularly good job of taking pictures. Thus, there might not be much... but here goes!

Yay married!

My favorite homegrown dancing picture (not by a professional photographer...), although this might actually be my favoritefavorite dancing picture. :-)

happy Costa Rica Jero

they arranged our towels in different fun ways each day... like this!

Love Bug... Love Slug! (how romantic...)

My favorite picture from the hikes we took

"Steve, Token Photo Monkey"

best view of feet ;-)

San Jose

Nearly Fall at the Botanical Gardens

Sweet Fancy Moses!

The Dread Pirate Roberts meets his end...

House Church Murder Mystery

Married Christmas!

Two Resentful Peons (Dalmuti on New Years... Jero & Diane)

Beginning the new year on an interesting foot with Mom
Dallas, TX

Visiting DTS

The Moon at DTS

Snow Tiger

Vaguely reminiscent of Costa Rica

We spent our anniversary with a llama!

Ahhhhh... one year!

Snow in June

Just teasing.

More like pictures of snow, forgotten til June.

Last week, I pulled out my little Canon for the anniversary trip and realized I hadn't used it since January/February... whenever we got that random snowfall earlier this year. Anyhow, I figured I'd post one of my favorite pictures from that morning & reminisce about cool weather.

Sometime soon, I also intend on posting a few pictures from our anniversary trip soon too. :-)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Recovery (part 2)

So. Recovery... I realized today that the song (Recovery) on said album fits this new season well.

The past few weeks have brought a complete change of perspective. Several months ago I blogged briefly about my shift in positions at work & the challenge of the new role. Just more than 2 months later, I'm exhausted and finished, but I have learned A TON. A few weeks ago, several unrelated events brought me to a place where I had to re-evaluate my abilities & commitments, and I've done that re-evaluating prayerfully and with the input of a number of people I respect. End result is that I am now able to dedicate my time and energy to some things, and relationships too, that I've neglected for a long time.

(I know. That was cryptic. But this is a blog. :-) )

So, today marks another new beginning... one that has been suitably mourned/celebrated with a little planting...

This young plant is known as Basil the 2nd. His predecessor met an untimely death at the beginning of winter because Jero & I got caught up in other things & left him on the porch.

I also did a bit of re-potting. We received a peace lily from my awesome Grandma last spring before the wedding. Peace Lily has spent the winter indoors and thus has fared much better than Basil I. Fast friends already (if plants can make friends):

So, from here I journey on. God is most certainly at work for good in the midst of all of this, more than I can say! And by grace alone, I'm listening.

(new beginnings)

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Not only the name of an EXCELLENT album... also what I've been doing this past week.

The latter is a very long story, so I'll save it for another post. The former is Jeremy Casella's new album and it's awesome. It's a mix of folk/electronic/awesomeness with strings... a mix that I didn't exactly like at first but I certainly do now. As always, his lyrics are incredible.

So (to my 2 readers :-p): I suggest you get your paws on it soon!