Monday, March 17, 2008

Spiffy Bloggy Goodness!

My friend Michael is incredibly thoughtful! And skilled, in my opinion! He remembered that I expressed an interest in an actual banner for my blog a few months back, and sent me a really awesome one.

Who needs sleep??? I have Grace Incarnate, a fantastic husband, awesome friends, and a cool banner for my blog!

Well... I might be exaggerating. I need sleep anyway. So thats where I goes... right about... now.

Thank you, Michael!!!


sewtakeahike said...

Hey, I'm up too!!! I love your new blog banner, what a great friend you have!

Juli said...

I LOVE it!

Meghan said...

Elisabeth- thanks for letting me know about the pattern download troubles. I've switched the file to a different hosting site, and it seems to be working again. best, Meghan